1:4 # 14, The Model

Domestic Violence Survivor 14 the Model #2 Trapped in Power


Please share what happened to you:


You love me don’t you? He says

The constant reminder that I need permission, what to wear, what we eat, when I get to sleep, if he wants to be high or not.

I come straight home from work everyday

Somehow I’m still wrong when I get home.

He smacks me


Give me your phone he demands. It’s useless to tell him, try to explain anything.

His fist hits my face this time.

I refuse to take the pill in his hand. Forces it into my mouth..

If you love me you will. He snarls at me

My face just hurts

He tells me I was good last night

I dont want to know what he did It makes me sick to my stomach

He grabs me and I try to pull away

He throws me to the ground and hits me

I knew he would …

he just keeps hitting me


If you love me is all I hear him say..

But he doesn’t love me ..

and right now neither do i..


Domestic Violence Survivor 14 the Model #1


How are you now?

I am functional. I have issues taking new partners,  but I can get up and move through life and I can share my story with other people who can’t say the words without breaking down.


Domestic Violence Survivor 14 the Model #3

What would you like to tell the world about Domestic Violence?

You have never earned it, you did nothing to deserve to be abused. You are beautiful, you are kind, you are important

Domestic Violence Survivor 14 the Model #4

2 Responses

  1. “Why are you 5 min late? Who did you sleep with?”
    No, he did not beat me, it was all mental. He said I was stupid, he said nobody would love me, like he is. He was constantly drunk, and I was 18 when we got married. I thought having a child would get him to quit drinking….it was 10 years later, after I left, he stopped drinking and was sober enough to see all the damage he did.
    He cried when I took my son and left him.

    I forgave him. He is totally changed man now.
    Now 10 years later, when i miss my turn when i drive, I expect to hear him yell.

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