Editors Note (The survivor sharing this story chose to do so without using the photo option. Kelly said I should use her name, but I chose not to publish her last name at this time)
Please share what happened to you:
As I sit in the hospital waiting to be seen, I try to figure out the events that led me here. The blood rushes down my face and my nose and head throb. I am lucky to be alive, and I pray that I will be okay. I am grateful that I left my house when I did. The nurse walks in and asks if I can hear her. When I look up, I can see the outline of her body, but the details are blurry. She tells me to follow her back to triage. She pauses, turns back, and looks at me, “Don’t worry you are safe.” The hospital is on lock down so that no one can come in or go out. I sigh with relief. I walk into my hospital room, crawl onto the bed, and close my eyes. My mind automatically begins to recall the events that brought me here.
Earlier that day I went home after work, and my boyfriend was in the kitchen, pacing around the kitchen table. He had a glazed look in his eyes as if he had been drinking. Apparently, someone that I did not know had made comments on an old photo of me. I walked away from him to avoid conflict. He then chased me up the stairs as if to attack me. I ran into my bedroom and locked the door. He kicked in my bedroom door. I then ran into my bathroom. He kicked in that door as well. He then pulled me by my hair and threw me into my bedroom. He then started to punch me in the head. He did this several times. The final blow to the head he broke my glasses and they cut into my face and blood went everywhere. I begged him to stop I was barely conscious. I begged him for ice he said go ahead and get ice. He closely followed me and watched my every move. He then told me I could hit him. I said I Just want ice. He said I will get a knife and you can stab me. As soon as he turned his back I ran to my car and drove off. As I was driving I called the police and they arrested him.
How are you now?:
If this is published use my name. I do not hide. I am a domestic violence survivor. I am know an advocate for domestic violence. I publicly post and write about domestic violence to help people. My attacked happened a year ago. I had to leave North Carolina and move back home to Herkimer, New York. He threatened to kill me and still harrasses me. I write to help heal myself, and when I speak out about this it helps as well. I go to two different counselors still to help me through this. Each day gets better.
What would you like to tell the world about domestic violence?:
I just want people to know that don’t you ever be afraid to step forward. Calling the police saved my life. So many people die from domestic violence. We need to stand up for ourselves. The more people to come forward, the stronger we are in numbers. Know that you are not alone. Please if you can’t walk then crawl just keep moving forward. If calling the police is to much for you at least call the Domestic Violence hotline. Please reach out. I know what it is like, I felt shame at first. I do not know why because my ex is the one that hit me. Maybe it was because I was embarrassed that this happened. Just know you will reach a point where you are done with hiding and you want the world to know what happened so that you can spread awareness.
You are an amazing strong woman! You survived and did the right thing by taking a stand. I hope you continue to move forward and share your story with more and more people!
You are so courageous. After all of that, to have the strength to save yourself. To get in the car and just do it. High five!
I know your story will inspire others. I am glad you are taking care of yourself and working to make yourself strong. You deserve to be treated with respect, don’t ever forget 😉